Journal: Global Journal of Computers & Technology (Vol.2, No. 1)Publication Date: 2015-06-10
Authors : D. Saravanan;
Page : 61-65
Keywords : Encryption; Decryption; Message Data; Secret Key; Extraction; Clustering; Image Transformation;
In this concept, we propose a novel joint data-hiding and compression scheme for digital images using Reversible Data Hiding .In these data hiding and image compression can be integrated into one single module. On the user side, the blocks in the leftmost and topmost of the image, each of the other residual blocks in raster-scanning order by hiding the data through embedded and compressed simultaneously by Reversible Data Hiding adaptively for the embedded bit. Vector quantization is also utilized for some complex blocks to control the visual distortion and error diffusion. After segmenting the image compressed codes into a series of sections by the indicator bits, the receiver can achieve the extraction of secret bits and image decompression successfully according to the index values in the segmented sections. Along with this we used to implement the Image Clustering on the image. With these we use to spilt and merge the compressed image to reduce its size.
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Last modified: 2015-11-22 16:37:05