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A Cidadania e o Pertencimento na Era da “Incompletez”

Journal: Revista Observatorio (Vol.1, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 23-40

Keywords : Communication; citizenship; belonging; consumption; incompletez.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


A coesão teórica entre cidadania e pertencimento é trabalhada na premissa de que para um indivíduo ser considerado e se sentir de fato cidadão ele deve, primeiramente, sentir-se pertencente socialmente ao seu meio e nele estabelecer relacionamentos. A expressão de ideias é fator que legitima a cidadania. Portanto, ser cidadão pressupõe poder relacionar-se, pressupõe ter voz, poder manifestar opiniões, dialogar, poder comunicar-se. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Comunicação; cidadania; pertencimento; consumo; incompletez. ABSTRACT The theoretical cohesion between citizenship and belonging is crafted on the premise that for an individual to be considered and feel in fact citizen he must first feel socially belonging to their environment and it establish relationships. The expression of ideas is a factor that legitimizes citizenship. Therefore, being a citizen implies being able to relate to, presupposes a voice, be able to express opinions, dialogue, being able to communicate. KEYWORDS: Communication; citizenship; belonging; consumption; incompletez.

Last modified: 2015-12-28 05:59:05