When did the communism end in the central and eastern European countries? / Când s-a sfârşit comunismul în ţările din Europa Centrală şi de Est
Journal: Muzeul National (Vol.24, No. 1)Publication Date: 2012-12-10
Authors : Adam Burakowski;
Page : 365-367
Keywords : Visitor Notebook; Museum; Exhibition; Pedagogy; Evaluation;
The year 1989 marks the end of communism in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, i.e. in Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. In some of the countries it is rather easy to establish a symbolic date of the end of totalitarian regime. In Germany it was the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9th November. In Czechoslovakia - a massive demonstration in Prague on 17th November. In Romania ? the fall of Ceausescu on 22nd December. In other countries the situation is more complicated. In Poland after long debates the date was established on 4th June, when the partially free elections were held. In Hungary we can speak about the whole month of October, when significant symbolic changes were made, the most important was probably on 23rd October, when the name of the state was changed to a democratic one. The most difficult situation is in Bulgaria, where there are several dates that could mark the end of communism. We speak about a whole period between 10th November 1989, when Todor Zhivkov, the last dictator, was replaced and June 1990, when the first free elections were held.
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Last modified: 2016-01-13 05:45:37