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Specific features of belarus mentality

Journal: Economics Bulletin of The National Mining University (Vol.50, No. 50)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 20-30

Keywords : mentality of Belarusians; G. Hofstede method; G. Hofstede indices for Belarus; G. Hofstede’s indexes for Eastern Slavic peoples; the economic mentality of the Belarusians;

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The results of a study of the Belarus mentality are presented, based on the use of G. Hofstede VSM 2008 method. The indices of power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation, tolerance against restraint, monumentalism are calculated. Based on the technique by A. Pilipenko and N. Litvinenko, specific features of the economic mentality of the Belarusians are revealed. Through cross-country comparisons of G. Hofstede’s indicators, the features of mentality of the population of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania are shown.

Last modified: 2016-01-22 19:17:53