Review on Salt Spray Humidifier
Journal: International Journal for Scientific Research and Development | IJSRD (Vol.3, No. 12)Publication Date: 2016-03-01
Authors : Akshay Bhaguji Adhav; Achyut Sudhakar Akolkar; Nitin Anil Gulaskar; Akshay Sunildatta Kulkarni; Prashant Sarjerao Munfan;
Page : 6-8
Keywords : salt spray; Humidifier;
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In today�s world, corrosion is the most important factor in the automobile sector. Many different methods have been developed to stop such corrosion. These methods differ in their theoretical basis and performance under the change in the various environment conditions. In this paper we review the fabrication of salt spray humidifier. We study here about the salt spray corrosion test, problems, future scope, methodology and objectives of salt spray humidifier etc. in this paper. Thermal corrosion Cycling is an innovative and cost effective process of enhancing the mechanical properties of many materials commonly used in commercial and industrial technologies. By using the salt spray humidifier, we can determine the corrosion rate of the materials or time taken to corrode the various materials. This can be used at various places such as sea water to check the corrosion resistance of the materials which are used them in sea water or in the ocean.
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Last modified: 2016-02-10 20:04:31