A Review Paper of improvement in security of images using Genetic Technique
Journal: International Journal for Scientific Research and Development | IJSRD (Vol.3, No. 12)Publication Date: 2016-03-01
Authors : Shekharan Deep Bindra; Navneet Bawa;
Page : 75-78
Keywords : Steganography; Cryptography; AES; LSB techniques;
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In the world of digital communication data is the heart of worldwide economy and computer networks. In this review paper the two techniques are combined to form a hybrid technique. Cryptography and steganography are two essential branches of information security. The purpose of both these is same but both are different. It is possible to combine the techniques by encrypting message using cryptography and then hiding the encrypted message using steganography. The main goal(s) of this research is To do communication in a secure manner and also to avoid drawing suspicion to the transmission of hidden data and To create a strong steganographic technique that can achieve high security & embedding capacity while maintaining image quality & imperceptibility.
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Last modified: 2016-02-10 21:17:05