Investment activity in the Visegrad countries: challenges for Ukraine
Journal: The Journal of International Economic Policy (Vol.2, No. 23)Publication Date: 2015-12-31
Authors : Vasyl Yurchyshyn; Kateryna Markevych;
Page : 117-137
Keywords : Visegrad Group; economic growth; foreign direct investment; foreign trade dynamics; privatization; investment attractiveness.;
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This article considers the individual components of expanding foreign direct investment flows and their impact on economic development in the Visegrad countries. Features of the policy aimed at attracting investment resources for the development and strengthening of a competitive economy are defined. The interrelation and mutual influence between foreign direct investment (FDI), foreign trade, and privatization during the course of investment enlargement are established. Given the experience and practice of Visegrad countries in attracting investment, this article defines challenges and problems surrounding the promotion and attraction of investment resources to Ukraine, the account of which will affect investment climate in the short and medium term positively and ensure the sustainability of economic growth and development.
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Last modified: 2016-02-12 02:44:50