İstanbul Manifaturacılar Çarşısı’ndan Unkapanı Plakçılar Çarşısı’na: Mekânsal Örgütlenmeye Dair Tarihsel Bir Değerlendirme
Journal: Journal of sociology,Sosyologca (Vol.3, No. 6)Publication Date: 2013-06-02
Authors : Gökçe Kaan Demirkıran;
Page : 275-281
Keywords : Unkapanı; İMÇ; pop music; arabesque; 80’s;
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İstanbul Linen Draper Bazaar (İMÇ) in Unkapanı where was the music sector’s center of a period in Turkey seems to be defeated to the digital music world today. İMÇ where was designed for fabric, one of the old commercial activities in Istanbul and economic dynamics of 50’s, affected by economic changes of country turned into “a music market” by the second half of 70’s. İMÇ, increased its growth acceleration when the tape cassette format became widespread in 80’s and 90’s but it losed this acceleration when the internet became widespread.
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Last modified: 2013-08-30 04:41:00