The essence and characteristics of communicative-speech development of younger students
Journal: INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS IN MODERN SCIENCE (Vol.5, No. 5)Publication Date: 2016-08-31
Authors : Shalivska Y.V.;
Page : 93-106
Keywords : development; personality development; speech development; a connected speech; communicative-speech development; communicative-speech abilities.;
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The subject matter of the article is communicative-speech development of primary school students. The goal of research is to justify the essence of communicative-speech development and the characterization of the structure of communicative-speech skills. Discusses various views regarding the understanding of speech development, interpretation and classification of communicative-speech skills. The author have drawn conclusions that successful communicative speech development requires the formation of a generalized communicative and linguistic skills, which are understood the ability of the speaker to ensure the correct application of verbal and non-verbal means in the communication process, communication with other speakers in different communicative-speech situations.
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Last modified: 2016-09-02 04:01:46