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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.105, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 54-70

Keywords : trade; retail trade; store; discounter; cash and carry warehouse; boutique; e-commerce.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Background. Current stage of retail trade development in Ukraine is characterized by structural changes and emergence of new forms of trade, kinds of retail facilities and types of stores. In most cases this is the result of the study and implementation of the advanced foreign experience. In this regard there are new concepts, words of foreign origin in terms of retailing and wholesale that need to be reviewed and their application feasibility should be clarified. The study aim to research the essence of concepts of foreign origin, present their correct translation into Ukrainian, prove the feasibility of application in unchanged form or use of existing analogue equivalent and also the need of presentation of new terms in the official regulating documents. Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the paper is a synthesis of the research results of domestic and foreign scientists about changes in the structure of the retail network in Ukraine and study ofrelevant innovations of retailers terminology. In this paper, the methods of induction and deduction, abstraction and comparative analysis have been used. Results. The essence of new concepts used in retail trade, correctness and appropriateness of their use were considered. It was noted that many new terms have not been presented in official documents so far. It was determined that the use of foreign terminology in unchanged form is expedient if there is no appropriate Ukrainian analogue. Conclusion. It was determined that one of the problems is the lack of generally accepted interpretation of some part of new terms and concepts stated in official regulatory documents. The necessity to update the current terminology, the use of new terms, additions to the National Standard of Ukraine on the wholesale and retail trade, the nomenclature of types of stores was substantiated. It is recommended to develop the nomenclature of shopping centers.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 20:13:39