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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.90, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 15-24

Keywords : global consulting market; globalization; institutionalization; universalization; intellectual capitalization.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Background. This research work examines the current transformation process of the global consulting market which takes place under the influence of intensifying globalization and internationalization of the world economy. Research of this category is accompanied by the formation and analysis of the key trends at the current stage that often get imperative features of this market. Review of the scientific sources of the selected topic confirms that not enough attention is paid in the literature to the formulation of the global transformation imperatives of consulting market and the definition of the key trends in its development, based on the global world economy changes, by both foreign and domestic scientists. Most scientific developments are devoted to the consulting process and its characteristics, and the question of consulting market as a global phenomenon is not researched well enough. So, the scientific definition of the above omissions is important and forms the basis of research purpose. Results. The study of the world consulting services market provides an opportunity to analyze the features of this market that characterize the current stage of its transformation. Changes in the world economy directly affect the consulting business development and form certain specific trends and characteristics. In this study we identified six main trends such as: globalization and transnationalization, institutionalization, universalization, intellectual capitalization, evolution of the marketing technologies in consulting companies, upgrading client partner relationships. Also, attention is paid to the causes and effects of globalization on the consulting market. Conclusions. The research, according to the author, is essential for the formation of an integral scientific picture of the global consulting market, understanding of the main processes and interdependencies in it and optimization of the consulting activities in accordance with the modern requirements.

Last modified: 2016-10-27 18:33:51