Archived Papers for Proceeding
5th International Conference on Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES)
Publisher: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Editors: Ondřej Dvouletý; Martin Lukeš; Jan Mísař
ISBN: 978-80-245-2216-6
Date: 2017-05-22 - 2017-05-23
Conference Venue:
Prague, Czech Republic
Proceeding URL:
- Financial Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development in Lagos State of Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects for Small and Medium Scale EnterprisesAuthors: Chukwunonye Anyakoha, Chinyere Nwolisa
- The Analysis of Variables Influencing Satisfaction and Motivation of Employees in The Working ProcessAuthors: Radovan Bačík, Richard Fedorko, Jakub Horváth, Marek Propper
- The Role of Social Media in the Light of Building a Strong Online Brand AwarenessAuthors: Radovan Bačík, Ludovit Nastisin, Beata Gavurova
- Support of Innovation Activity of SME as a Factor of Competitiveness Growth of Slovak RepublicAuthors: Irina Bondareva, Jana Plchová
- Innovative Entrepreneurship in Poland against European CountriesAuthors: Arkadiusz Borowiec
- The Impact of the Presence of a Code of Ethics on the Economic Prosperity of a CompanyAuthors: Zdeněk Caha, Marek Vokoun
- Implementing Sustainability in a Large Mining Community: Sudbury (Canada) - From Cluster to Innovation CenterAuthors: Jean-Charles Cachon
- A Comparative Analysis of Direct Marketing Strategies Used by Retail Chains in the Pardubice RegionAuthors: Jan Chocholáč
- Increasing the Competitiveness and Performance of Enterprises Focusing on Innovation Activity – Empirical SurveyAuthors: Simona Činčalová
- Innovative Digital Communication of Small and Medium Wine Companies in Czech Republic, Slovakia and GermanyAuthors: Lucia Coskun, Branislav Mišota, Jozef Chajdiak
- Organizational Development: Case of Retail Enterprises StructureAuthors: Igor Denisov, Alexander L. Bobkov
- The Role of Global Cities in Creation of Innovative Industry Sectors. Case Study – Life Sciences SectorAuthors: Sławomir Dorocki, Piotr Raźniak, Anna Winiarczyk-Raźniak, Marta Boguś
- Key Competencies in Sustainability: Assessment of Selected Academic Programmes in ManagementAuthors: Nataliya Dubrovskaya, Felipe Martinez
- Foreign Direct Investments as a Tool of the Expansion of Chinese Corporations in V4 CountriesAuthors: Tomas Dudas
- Are Publicly Supported Companies in the Czech Food and Drink Industry Performing Better? Initial Findings from the MicrodataAuthors: Ondřej Dvouletý, Ivana Blažková
- Who Is Really Residing in the Czech Business Incubators?Authors: Ondřej Dvouletý, Michal Andera, Martin Lukeš, Zuzana Oravcová
- Entrepreneurship Lost and FoundAuthors: Daniel Ericsson, Patrik Persson
- Analytical View of the Determinants that Affect the Customer Satisfaction in Accommodation Business Based on Online Customer ReviewsAuthors: Richard Fedorko, Radovan Bačík, Jakub Horváth
- The Analysis of the Importance of Online and Offline Marketing Communication Tools when Searching for Business Entities from the Point of View of ConsumersAuthors: Richard Fedorko, Radovan Bačík, Jakub Horváth, Ján Mihál
- The Impact of Selected Changes in Business Environment on Small Enterprises in the Czech RepublicAuthors: Vendula Fialová, Andrea Kolková, Andrea Folvarčná, Radim Maňák
- Technology Innovations as Drivers of Hotel AttractivenessAuthors: Tamara Floričić, Nadia Pavia
- New Approaches to Optimization of Logistic ProcessesAuthors: Ivo Formánek, Radim Farana
- Supporting Sustainability and Innovation by Value-oriented LeadershipAuthors: Patricia Girrbach
- CSR as a Marketing Area of Higher Education StakeholdersAuthors: Hanna Hall
- Project Management In the Czech Republic: Is It Time for Innovation?Authors: Majra Hodžić, Helena Hrůzová
- Factors Affecting Performance of Employees in SMEsAuthors: Darja Holátová
- What Drives Student Entrepreneurs? Guesss Evidence from V4 CountriesAuthors: Marian Holienka, Peter Gal, Zuzana Kovacicova
- Utilization of Financial Support Programs by Slovak EnterprisesAuthors: Lenka Hvolková, Vladimíra Klementová
- Application of Mystery Calling Method in Car Dealerships – Polish-Czech ResearchAuthors: Katarzyna Hys, Liliana Hawrysz, Roman Kozel, Šárka Vilamová
- Evaluating Level of Enterprise Innovativeness Through Innovation RatiosAuthors: Hana Janáková, Róbert Tomčík
- Building Lean Bodies With Lean Management: Implementation of Lean Principles in EntrepreneurshipAuthors: Jan Janečka, Felipe Martinez
- Developing Entrepreneurial Skills under the Current Conditions of the Educational SystemAuthors: Filip Ježek, Zdeněk Vavrečka
- Do Management Innovations Yield in Higher Employees’ Satisfaction?Authors: Kateřina Jiřinová, Lucie Vrbová
- Category Management Implementation in The Retail Market of Fast-moving Consumer GoodsAuthors: Larisa Mikhailovna Kapustina, Andrei Drevalev, Karolina Ilyenkova
- Risk in the Internationalisation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises – Selected AspectsAuthors: Witold Kasperkowiak, Joanna Małecka, Teresa Łuczka
- State Support System of Innovations in SlovakiaAuthors: Ladislav Klement
- Design Thinking: The Case of Banking ServicesAuthors: Cyril Klepek
- Entrepreneurship on the Financial Markets Based on the Selected Indicator Technical AnalysisAuthors: Andrea Kolková
- Innovation and Quality as the Tools for Managing for the Sustained SuccessAuthors: Marcela Kovaľová
- The Influence of Diversity on Organizational EffectivenessAuthors: Laurencia Krismadewi
- Barriers of Using Corporate Social Networks in the Czech RepublicAuthors: Markéta Kubálková
- Research and Development Performance Management and Managerial ToolsAuthors: Marie Kubáňková, Jaroslava Hyršlová, Jan Nedělník
- Employment of Foreigners in Poland from the Point of View of Entrepreneurs - Opole Voivodeship StudyAuthors: Sabina Kubiciel-Lodzińska
- The Value Orientation of the Czech Companies in the Frame of Sustainable Corporate ResponsibilityAuthors: Dušan Kučera, Jana Müllerová
- Corporate Sustainability ReportingAuthors: Vilém Kunz, Štěpánka Hronová
- Causal Alternate Pathways for High Performance. A Study of University Spin-offs from PolandAuthors: Anna Kwiotkowska
- Women on Boards: Does Gender Composition Affect Financial Results of Companies?Authors: Jolanta Maj
- Newconnect as a Source of Financing for Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesAuthors: Joanna Małecka
- Reflection of Ethical Principles in Czech Codes of EthicsAuthors: Radim Maňák, Martina Nikolskaja, Tomáš Tykva, Monika Jones
- The Effect of Gender, Age and Education on Entrepreneurial CuriosityAuthors: Miha Marič, Ivan Todorović, Mladen Cudanov, Gašper Jordan
- Interrelation between Corporate Social Responsibility and Company PerformanceAuthors: Maria Markhaichuk
- Startups Role in National Industry 4.0 ImplementationAuthors: Felipe Martinez, Ivana Svobodová, Miroslav Lorenc
- South Moravian SME´s Performance in Relation to Maturity of Leadership: Results of a Quantitative Research StudyAuthors: Lukáš Mazánek, Jan Pekárek, Josef Veselý
- Challenges in Promoting Migrant Entrepreneurship: First Empirical Evidence from GermanyAuthors: Hartmut–Heinrich Meyer, Anna Pilková
- Using Competitive Technical Intelligence Patent Search Methods to Uncover Automotive Industry TrendsAuthors: Zdeněk Molnár, Jan Černý
- Technology and Knowledge Transfer as Third Mission Activities at the Slovak UniversitiesAuthors: Danka Moravčíková, Štefan Rehák, Martina Hanová, Libor Vozár
- Wine Marketing: The Case of Micro and Small Wine Companies in the Czech RepublicAuthors: Anastasia Murínová
- Environmental Responsibility in Marketing Activities of CompaniesAuthors: Zdenka Musová, Hussam Musa
- Early and Fast Internationalisation of High-tech Start-up FirmsAuthors: Michael Neubert, Augustinus (Stijn) van der Krogt
- International Pricing Strategies of High-tech Start-up FirmsAuthors: Michael Neubert
- Sustainbility in the Economic SenseAuthors: David Novak
- The Innovation Centers Development in the Regional Context of RussiaAuthors: Ekaterina Panarina
- Innovative Development for Northern Regions: Russian CaseAuthors: Svetlana Panikarova, Maxim Vlasov
- CSR and Tax Planning: Case Study of Football ClubAuthors: Igor Perechuda, Assidi Soufiene
- Regional Aspects of Inclusive Entrepreneurship in Slovakia: GEM EvidenceAuthors: Anna Pilková, Juraj Mikuš, Marian Holienka
- The Role of Organizational Culture in the Process Reorientation of the CompanyAuthors: Natalia Potoczek, Anna Ujwary-Gil
- Effective, but Inefficient? Public Support Granted to Social Enterprises for EmploymentAuthors: Oto Potulka
- Innovation Strategy and Access to Capital in SME and Large Companies – Evidence from SurveyAuthors: Katarzyna Prędkiewicz
- Trends and Problems of Investment in Intellectual Capital in Russian EconomyAuthors: Irina Prosvirina, Aleksey Ivanov, Galina Ostapenko
- Assessment of the Innovation Factors Impact on Economic Growth in Russian RegionsAuthors: Svetlana Rastvortseva
- Innovative Industry Sectors in World Economic CentersAuthors: Piotr Raźniak, Sławomir Dorocki, Anna Winiarczyk-Raźniak
- Sustainable Entrepreneurship: How to Measure Future Sustainability Impact for Early Stage New VenturesAuthors: Malte Recker, Ingo Michelfelder
- Do Senior Entrepreneurs Differ from Youth Entrepreneurs? Evidences from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor.Authors: Ján Rehák, Anna Pilková, Zuzana Jančovičová, Marian Holienka
- Organizational Culture of SMEs in Serbia, Influence of National Culture on Entrepreneurial Leadership Style and PhilosophyAuthors: Dusanka Rodic, Ondrej Jasko, Mladen Cudanov
- The Economic Consequences of Students Inflow for Local EnterprisesAuthors: Diana Rokita-Poskart
- Critical Evaluation of Czech Municipal Spending Predictive ModelsAuthors: Pavel Rousek
- Life Cycle Assessment – A Tool for Evaluating the Level of Technological Eco-innovationAuthors: Magdalena Rybaczewska-Błażejowska
- The Role of the Academic Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Building Entrepreneurial and Innovation Potential. Conclusions from Chosen Polish UniversitiesAuthors: Anna Sęk
- Corporate Social Responsibility from the Perspective of Companies Providing Express Courier Services in the Czech RepublicAuthors: Dana Sommerauerová, Tomáš Kučera, Jaroslava Hyršlová
- Sustainabilty Information from Swedish Tourism Companies – What, Where and for Whom?Authors: Anna Sörensson
- Strategic Management of Open Innovation in the Service SectorAuthors: Miroslav Špaček
- Business Ethics in CEE: Analysis of Research ResultsAuthors: Włodzimierz Sroka, Richárd Szántó
- Nepotism and Favoritism in the Steel Sector: Are These Phenomena Prevalent?Authors: Włodzimierz Sroka, Jolita Vveinhardt
- The Role of Sensory Marketing in Product InnovationAuthors: Adriana Starostová
- Job Satisfaction in the Czech RepublicAuthors: Marek Stříteský, Václav Stříteský
- Using Kohonen's Neural Networks to Identify the Bankruptcy of Enterprises: Case Study Based on Construction Companies in South Bohemian RegionAuthors: Petr Šuleř
- Exploring the Impact of Knowledge Management Process On Innovation By Means of Structural Equation Modeling: A Research in Automotive IndustryAuthors: Çağatan Taşkın, Dilek Taşkın
- Exploring the Influence of Entrepreneurship Personality On Entrepreneurial Intention: A Research in TurkeyAuthors: Çağatan Taşkın, Onur Öztürk, Ahmet Akif Karadamar
- Does Envy Influence the Enterprise Potential and the Entrepreneurial Intentions?Authors: Edit Terek, Milan Nikolić, Dragan Cockalo, Sanja Božić, Aleksandra Nastasić
- Are Customers Ready for Evolving Digital Disruption?: Empirical Evidence from Banking Sector of SerbiaAuthors: Vesna Tornjanski, Mladen Cudanov
- The Topography of Intra-organizational NetworksAuthors: Anna Ujwary-Gil, Natalia Potoczek
- Necessity Driven Entrepreneurs. Does Unemployment and Precarious Employment Lead to Increasing Entrepreneurial Intentions Among Young People in Spain?Authors: Mihaela Vancea, Mireia Utzet
- New Business Model Innovations and Collaborations to Support the Circular EconomyAuthors: Vesela Veleva, Gavin Bodkin
- Knowledge-generation Strategies in the Real Sector of the Economy: Russian CaseAuthors: Maxim Vlasov, Svetlana Panikarova
- Inventory Management Using Artificial Neural Networks in a Concrete CaseAuthors: Marek Vochozka
- Modeling the Future Development of Top Company Indicator EVA Equity Using Indicator Breakdown and Sensitivity Analysis on an Example of a Specific CompanyAuthors: Jaromír Vrbka
- "The Key Is We" – Refining Co-creation Indicators to Assess Innovation ProcessesAuthors: Christina Weber, Klaus Sailer
- Barriers to Green Products Purchase – from Polish Consumer PerspectiveAuthors: Lucyna Witek
- Open Innovation Intermediaries – Current Roles and BenefitsAuthors: Marián Zajko
- Long Tail Theory Validity On Secondary Cultural Goods MarketAuthors: Martin Zelený, Jan Hanzlík
- Trends in the Area of Responsibility and Justice in the Activities of Enterprises: Implications for The V4 CountriesAuthors: Wojciech Zysk
- Behavior Dimensions: An Organizational StudyAuthors: Zafar Ansari Yalman