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CSR as a Marketing Area of Higher Education Stakeholders

Proceeding: 5th International Conference on Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 273-283

Keywords : higher education marketing; marketing of stakeholders in higher education; social responsibility of universities; university stakeholders;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The aim of the article is to analyze the perceptions and expectations of key university stakeholders - students, in relation to corporate social responsibility (CSR) of higher education institutions, as the main marketing area of stakeholders of these institutions. The author’s studies were completed with the use of FGI (Focus Group Interview). The interviews were recorded using a voice recorder, and immediately after their completion, they were transcribed, the material was selected and ordered according to the research problems, an analysis and interpretation of the content. The results and conclusions drawn from the article were then presented.Design/methodology/approach: The studies were of qualitative character and were completed with the use of Focus Group Interview, among 5 groups of students of Rzeszow University of Technology (PRz). Each group consisted of 5-6 people who volunteered to participate in the study. The studies lasted two months - February and March 2017. Additionally, the study was complemented by "In Deph Inteview" with the head of the Career and Promotion Department of PRz. The main purpose of the interview was to know the areas of activity of the University in the CSR. The interview was conducted on 22.03.2017. Findings: The research is in progress, it is assumed, however, that the expectations of students in relation to the social responsibility of the university are the expectations associated with both the statutory activity of the university (i.e. reliable education, upbringing, shaping civic attitudes of students) and additional one (e.g. an attractive education offer to children and young people from the region, supporting charities, activities for persons with disabilities, in favor of sport, arts and culture, environmental protection).Research/practical implications: The results of the social responsibility of universities, and especially those on the expectations of their key stakeholders - students, in this regard, can be effectively used by higher education institutions interested in innovative solutions in the field of marketing. By an implementation of solutions based on the results presented in the article and primary and secondary research, schools will be able to reach out more effectively to candidates as well as to develop its positive - pro-social image among all groups of stakeholders.Originality/value: The subject of social responsibility of marketing in relation to higher education is a new area of theoretical knowledge and practice which is rarely tackled in specialist publications in the area of university marketing. But it seems to be extremely important and future-oriented field of knowledge and looking at a growing interest in CSR in the near future, the standard area of activities of each university.

Last modified: 2017-09-02 23:13:50