Archived Papers for Journal
Economics Bulletin of The National Mining University >>
Vol.37, No.37
Publisher: National Mining University
Publishing Date: 2012-03-30
- Social responsibility of business: Ukrainian contentsAuthors: Petrunya Y. Y.
- Consolidated financing of innovative development of the regionAuthors: Galushko O. S. Dotsenko. O. Y.
- Substantiation for the necessity of development of human capital of industrial enterprises under economic crisis conditionsAuthors: Lyashok N. Y.
- Conceptual approaches to strategic management on the metallurgical enterprisesAuthors: Matskevych Y. I.
- Dynamic management of the resource potential of the industrial enterpriseAuthors: Yermoshkina O. V.; Goryacha O. I.
- Efficiency of implementation of control-motivation mechanism of providing the quality of products of the machine-building enterprisesAuthors: Isvekova I. M.; Korol G. O.; Zelikman V. D.
- Transformation of financial resources of banks under external and internal investment effectAuthors: Andryushchenko I. Y.
- Forms and methods of financing the social infrastructure of the industrial enterprisesAuthors: Belopols’ka T. V.
- Modern realities and problems of filling the state budget by the corporate income taxAuthors: Ivanyts’ka M. P.
- Peculiarities of creation and structuring the current assets of the machine-building enterprisesAuthors: Dubei Y. V.
- Simulation of social-economic events by the method of condition-consequence decompositionAuthors: Dron’ V. S.
- Organizational issues of management of share capital of the industrial enterprisesAuthors: Metelenko N. G.
- Managerial techniques of the innovative development of the enterpriseAuthors: Dovbnya S. B.
- Motivation peculiarities of the investment mechanism performanceAuthors: Vorotyntsev V. A.
- Directions of reformation of managing the multilevel production structuresAuthors: Plakhotnik O. O.
- System of indexes of the informative providing the managerial processes on the enterpriseAuthors: Skrypnyk O. A.
- Creating the effective brand architecture of the enterprise: international experience and Ukrainian practiceAuthors: Yatsentyuk S. V.
- Marketing analysis of the competitive ability of the banks of UkraineAuthors: Gaydukovych D. S.
- Efficiency of realization of innovation strategy if the higher educationAuthors: Ilyashenko A. H.
- Peculiarities of performance of Ukrainian universities under market conditions: marketing approachAuthors: Bobalo O. Y.