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Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») >>

Vol.18, No.47

Publisher: State Institution Higher Educational «University of Educational Management»

Publishing Date: 2021-11-17

  1. Formation of soft skills in educators through the application of training technologies

    Authors: Oksana Abramova; Olha Puliak; Andriy Tereshchuk

  2. Criteria and indicators of development of lyceum teachers’ professional culture in the methodological work system

    Authors: Olena Bilonozhko

  3. Professional development of teachers in the system of formal and non-formal postgraduate education during quarantine restrictions period

    Authors: Mykola Kyrychenko; Tamara Sorochan; Lyubov Каrtashova; Larysa Оlifira

  4. The concept of soft skills of educators in the dynamics of the educational process of vocational (vocational and technical) educational institutions in the digitalization conditions

    Authors: Inna Otamas; Lyudmyla Antonyuk

  5. Professional development of scientific and pedagogical staff in the context of modern tendencies of modernization of the system of higher education of Ukraine

    Authors: Olena Otych

  6. Main aspects of accessibility development of the educational space of the institution of vocational education (according to the results of the pedagogical experiment)

    Authors: Larysa Sergeieva

  7. Formation of ethical culture of future teachers in the process of professional training

    Authors: Olga Sobolenko

  8. Didactic principles of management of formation of legal competence of bachelors of technical specialties in the conditions of college

    Authors: Yevheniia Spуrуdonova

  9. Peculiarities of work of public organizations in the field of formation of inclusive educational policy in Ukraine and Canada

    Authors: Olga Chepka

  10. Development of society of students in conditions inclusive education

    Authors: Svitlana Shtangei