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Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. Series «Educational sciences» Category "B" >>

Vol.28, No.57

Publisher: State Institution Higher Educational «University of Educational Management»

Publishing Date: 2024-04-24

  1. The essence, structure and ways of forming the professional and ethical competencies of future teachers at the master's level

    Authors: Lala Allahverdiyeva

  2. Criteria and indicators for assessing the formation of research competence of the future teacher of history and social sciences in the process of professional training

    Authors: Andriy Borovyk.

  3. Mathematical competence of the chemistry teacher and its structure

    Authors: Vadym Kirman; Maria Nekrasova; Hanna Chaus

  4. Determinating features of development of information competence of the future project manager using information and communication technologies in institutions of higher education

    Authors: Heorhii Kovalenko

  5. Qualifications gap in the ecosystem of education and labor market of Ukraine

    Authors: Iryna Kucherenko; Olena Yudenkova

  6. Issues of organizing independent work of students in the process of teaching the subject History of Azerbaijan

    Authors: Sevda Mammadova

  7. Using museum materials in History classes as a tool for formation the worldview of Azerbaijani students

    Authors: Kamala Mustafayeva

  8. Ancient Ukraine as the «Gate of Europe». Historical theory confirmed by archaeology

    Authors: Oleksandr Naboka; Mykola Zyza

  9. Features of professional competence development of future managers using digital didactic means

    Authors: Vitaly Savchenko

  10. Skills gap in the labor market of Ukraine: situation and mechanisms for overcoming it

    Authors: Viktoriia Sydorenko

  11. A modern comprehensive lyceum of Ukraine scientific and educational platform for the development of a creatively gifted personality

    Authors: Boris Chyzhevskyi

  12. The role of synergetic approach in teaching technology, fine arts, and music subjects

    Authors: Malak Zamanova

  13. The human factor in modern Azerbaijani prose

    Authors: Khadija Yusifova

  14. New theoretical perspectives and methodological foundations in physical education at school

    Authors: Hamid Aliyev

  15. Approaches to understanding the essence of values and their systems

    Authors: Ayten Dashdemirova

  16. Ancient Ukraine as the «Gate of Europe». Historical theory confirmed by archaeology

    Authors: Oleksandr Naboka; Mykola Zyza

  17. Development of information culture of future managers by means of game-based learning technologies

    Authors: Hlib Satsiuk

  18. New theoretical perspectives and methodological foundations in physical education at school

    Authors: Aliyev Hamid

  19. New theoretical perspectives and methodological foundations in physical education at school

    Authors: Hamid Aliyev

  20. Criteria and indicators for assessing the formation of research competence of the future teacher of history and social sciences in the process of professional training

    Authors: Andriy Borovyk

  21. Criteria and indicators for assessing the formation of research competence of the future teacher of history and social sciences in the process of professional training

    Authors: Andriy Borovyk

  22. Issues of organizing independent work of students in the process of teaching the subject History of Azerbaijan

    Authors: Kamala Mustafayeva

  23. Issues of organizing independent work of students in the process of teaching the subject History of Azerbaijan

    Authors: Kamala Mustafayeva