Archived Papers for Journal
International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science >>
Vol.3, No.3
Publisher: Infogain Publications
Publishing Date: 2018-05-10
- Case Study: From Alcoholic to WorkaholicAuthors: Rose A. Arceño
- Comparative Model of Interactional and Psychological Communication in Learning Process of High Senior School Students of Daarul Muqorrobin BandungAuthors: Nofha Rina Jenny Ratna Suminar Ninis Agustini Damayani Hanny Hafiar
- Quest for Freedom in Lorraine Hansberry’s The Drinking GourdAuthors: M. Priya
- Discrimination against the Aymaras in the Surandino (Puno) in the XXI centuryAuthors: Vicente Alanoca Arocutipa Ofelia Marleny Mamani Luque Wido Willam Condori Castillo
- The Gerascophobic Treatment of Clarissa Dalloway in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway: A Semantic AnalysisAuthors: Vagisha Mishra Dr Anoop Kumar Tiwari
- Insidious: Astral Projection as Death and Dying ConceptAuthors: Ramis Rauf
- ‘A Doll’s House’ is the Backlash of FeminismAuthors: Fahmeda Yeasmin
- An analysis of Indian domestic life through Kamala Markanday’s Novel “Nectar in a Sieve”Authors: Swati Chauhan
- The Influence of Contextual Learning Models on the Students’ Ability in Finding Short Story Values of the Eight Grade Students at Smp Negeri 4 Siborongborong in Academic Year 2017/ 2018Authors: Sannur Hayati Sinaga
- Lived Experiences of Instructors in College of Business and Management: A Non- Teacher by ProfessionAuthors: Ewrin R. Bucjan Mardie E. Bucjan
- On Postorientalism and its DiscontentsAuthors: Jamal Akabli Mounir Chibi
- Perception of Inmate on Pastoral Counseling Ministry done by Church in State Prison of TarutungAuthors: Sudirman Lase
- A Study of Satirical Elements in Jonathan Swift’s The Battle of the BooksAuthors: D. Kabilan
- Cooperative Compliance: Improving Relationship between Taxpayers and Tax AuthoritiesAuthors: Tio Andiko
- Displacement in Sea of Poppies t in Sea of PoppiesAuthors: Derya Bidercidinç
- The Role of Dormitory Adviser in Motivating Students’ Learning at Stakpn TarutungAuthors: Andar Gunawan Pasaribu
- The Effect of Teachers’ Certification Incentive toward Christian Religious Teacher’s Performance (A Causal Study at Senior High School Level in North Tapanuli Regency)Authors: Nisma Simorangkir
- Emotion Words in Sundanese Language: Research of Natural Semantic MetalanguageAuthors: Muzainah Nurazijah
- Sedentary Lifestyle in Mexican PopulationAuthors: Erik Gerardo Jiménez Proa
- Land Use Dynamics and Agro-Pastoral Conflicts in Menchum Division, CameroonAuthors: Balgah Sounders Nguh
- Stylistic Features in Robert Frost’s PoetryAuthors: Pavan Barelia
- Gender equality in workplace: A case study of public sectors in KurdistanAuthors: Khalid Abas Rashid Kurachi
- American Crises as Depicted in A Clean, Well-lighted Place and Its Islamic SolutionAuthors: Aysha Sumayyah
- Perturbing the symbolic order through defamiliarization in Mohsen Namjoo: A Marcusean study of Reza KhanAuthors: Mohammad Hossein Gharib
- Acquisition of Morphological and Syntactic Knowledge for Early ChildhoodAuthors: Arjulayana Arjulayana Emzir Emzir Ninuk Lustiyantie
- Locating Identity in the Diasporic Space of Moniza Alvi’s PoetryAuthors: Pooja Swamy
- Textbook Evaluation: A Case Study of Iranian Teacher and Student PerspectivesAuthors: Samran Daneshfar Jamal Abdollahi
- Films and Arts flipping the pages of the historyAuthors: Ankita Sahu
- The Use of Leading Questions as a Technique to Generate Relevant Ideas in WritingAuthors: Lhoussain Outtaj Lahcen Belmekki
- Managing Global Human Capital and Information System in Digital Transformation Era in Indonesian Manpower Placement ServicesAuthors: Langgeng Setyono
- Politeness Perspectives in Governor Election Debate Program of West Java Province - Indonesia (The Second Session on Mei 14 2018)Authors: Nanan Abdul Manan Badroeni Badroeni