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Automatic Car-License-Plate Detection using Vertical-Edge-Based Method

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.3, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 436-440

Keywords : Adaptive thresholding (AT); car-license-plate detection (CLPD); Sobel operator; vertical edge detection algorithm (VEDA);

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


A fast method for car-license plate detection (CLPD) presents three main contributions. The first contribution is that we propose a fast vertical edge detection algorithm (VEDA) based on the contrast between the grayscale values, which enhances the speed of the CLPD method. After binarizing the input image using adaptive thresholding (AT), an unwanted-line elimination algorithm (ULEA) is proposed to enhance the image, and then, the VEDA is applied. The second contribution is that our proposed CLPD method processes very-low-resolution images taken by a web camera. After the vertical edges have been detected by the VEDA, the desired plate details based on color information are highlighted. Then, the candidate region based on statistical and logical operations will be extracted. Finally, an LP is detected. The third contribution is that we compare the VEDA to the Sobel operator in terms of accuracy, algorithm complexity, and processing time.

Last modified: 2014-04-02 01:46:21