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Journal: Filologické vědomosti (Vol.3, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 7-11

Keywords : term; concept; synonym; language of science; cognition;

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The language of science is closely related to the development of culture in the broad sense of the word and cognitive culture of knowledge acquisition. The term as a dictionary unit has a fairly well-defined semantics, but its conceptual content is cross-border and constantly strives to expand through the creation of new synonym- ic links with common language vocabulary and other concepts. The article will consider the cognitive aspects of the economic term le développement in the light of the core/periphery methodology. The relevance of this meth- odology is that the study of terms in this perspective helps to identify the dynamics of the nuclear value and the peripheral zone of the concept, the ways of its profiling. The periphery of le développement includes such equivalents as le mouvement, le progrès, l'évolution, la montée, la croissance, l'émergence, le sous- développement, etc. Competition of different scientific schools and directions, conceptual breadth of terms of Humanities creates preconditions for the emergence of ambiguity and synonymy of terms

Last modified: 2018-11-29 16:08:03