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The Researches on the Elzeviers - the Editions of the 17th Century Dutch Printing House: Their Achievements and Prospects

Journal: Naukovì pracì Nacìonalʹnoï bìblìoteki Ukraïni ìmenì V.Ì. Vernadsʹkogo (Vol.47, No. 47)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 163-176

Keywords : Elsevier Elzevier's editions book collections book history bibliographical catalogues.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article deals with a brief overview of publications on history, genealogy and publishing heritage of the Elzeviers - the Dutch dynasty of the 17th century publishers. The results of researches in the 19th-20th centuries are elucidated. The main of them (the works of A. Willems, Ch. Pieters, E. Rahir, G. Berghman, D. Davies and the others) were considered. Also attention on the new publications of Dutch book history was paid.T here was made an attempt to analyze all of them, to characterize the current state of this problem and identify future prospects in the study the Elzeviers heritage in Ukraine.

Last modified: 2019-02-27 22:56:17