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The scientific bases development of critical thinking for head of the institution of general secondary education in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education in Ukraine

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.9, No. 38)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 99-112

Keywords : thinking; critical thinking; critical thinking of the establishment’s manager GSE; educational process; management activity.;

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The article notes the current stage of education reform implies significant changes in the organization of educational space in the general secondary education system, aimed at the development of personality, citizen, specialist; the development of critical thinking of all participants of the educational process is one of the key in the context in the tasks stipulated by regulatory documents; the stressed, that effective this process will be provided priority change the philosophy thinking of establishment's manager as a leader, who drives the pedagogical team, educators and parents to growth. In the context of a detailed analysis of the scientific psychological and pedagogical literature of domestic and foreign scientists, the essence of critical thinking as an intellectual skill of the person in the 21st century is aimed at problem searching, looking for the ways of solution, forming hypothesis, objective evaluations and making up their own decisions and acknowledging their responsibility for them. It's proved that critical thinking is in a person's ability not to be influenced by others' thoughts, to objectively assess and stand by their decisions, to weigh all arguments. The main components of critical thinking are specified as skill, responsibility, autonomy, self-adjustment and flexibility. The article presents a comparative analysis of the term «critical thinking» through the prism of diversity. The content of the concept of «critical thinking of a Head of the Institution of General Secondary Education» is specified and defined, in particular: the wording of the definition emphasizes that it is an active process of intellectual activity of the Head, which involves a meaningful analysis of a management problem, verification of its actuality and logical consistency, consideration of the context, search for alternatives, their objective assessment and making reasonable decision with maximum awareness of consequences and responsibility.

Last modified: 2020-02-28 16:28:16