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A tutorial textbook as an important component of an educational complex in general chemistry

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.10, No. 39)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 103-120

Keywords : educational process; tutorial textbook; educationalmethodical complex; teaching of chemistry; educational technologies; higher education.;

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This article presents an introduction of the educationalmethodical complex (EMC) in the discipline «Chemistry» (general) as the first step in the technology of educational activities, based on modern psychological and pedagogical ideas. The role of the tutorial textbook is highlighted as an integral component of the educational-methodical complex in general chemistry for the purpose of organizing an educational process in a classical university. Modern approaches to the development of EMC for educational disciplines are analyzed in general and, in particular, the educational-methodical bases for such complexes are suggested and substantiated that would help to implement paradigms «lifelong learning», remote learning and the Bologna principles. Classification of teaching tools in chemical disciplines is a topical issue of methodical science, as a number of authors consider tutorial textbooks to be visual, while others refer them to the main teaching tools and combine them into one group of teaching tools – educational editions. An important principle in the EMC development of a discipline is the principle of conformity of educational material to the level of development of modern chemical sciences. It is important to involve general pedagogical methods for organizing the teaching of chemistry in higher education institutions. Tutorial textbook «General Chemistry. Lecture notes», the stamp of the Academic Council of Khmelnytskyi National University (letter № 043/655 dated 26.04.2019) is prepared in accordance with the working academic programs in chemistry (general) for applicants of the first bachelor degree of higher education, both chemical and non-chemical specialties of higher education institutions. It reflects main sections of the theoretical part of the course. The scientific and educational editions of the author are used from the discipline «Chemistry» (general), which is taught at the classical university for students of chemical, engineering, pedagogical and other specialties.

Last modified: 2020-02-28 18:30:04