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Genesis and features of regulation of migratory movement of the population

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. Series "Social and Behavioral Sciences; Management and Administration" (psychological, economy, public administration). Category «B» (Vol.11, No. 40)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 144-164

Keywords : labour migration; interstate labour migration; migrant; labour potential; migratory flows.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The essence, genesis and peculiarities of regulation of the migratory movement of the population, ways and methods of its regulation are revealed in the article. The theoretical and methodological bases of the analysis of regulation of migratory mobility of the population are grounded, taking into account the historical and political peculiarities of the country's development, socio-economic conditions and regional peculiarities of migration. The theory of migratory control of the population involves the study of all kinds and varieties of regulation of internal and external migratory flows in three stages: from the initial – where the process of formation of migratory (territorial) mobility of the population (place of exit of migrants) begins, the main one - during which the migration of population and labour fource directly takes place and the final one – at which migrants are secured at a new place (migrants' entry points). The provision under which effective regulation of migratory processes can be ensured by methods of economic, organizational and partly administrative influence is substantiated; the basic factors of formation of migratory flows, ways and methods of regulation of migration are identified and revealed. It has been found out that existing methods of regulation of population migration for a long time cannot be applied at the current stage of the country's development, in the conditions of economic reform and European integration. Their imperfections, combined with the economic crisis, have led to a negative foreign migration balance since 1994, with an average of 101.5 thousand people leaving the country each year. This significantly worsened and complicated the demographic situation in Ukraine. The decisive role in the regulation of migratory processes belongs to the management of socio-economic factors, that is, such conditions of life and work of people, which may change as a result of the appropriate redistribution of capital investments, wages, public consumption and so on.

Last modified: 2020-06-12 17:24:19