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Journal: Agricultural Machines (Vol.44, No. -)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 135-144

Keywords : dryer; recuperation; brice-baker; KMZ industries; alternative fuels;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article presents the results of full-scale tests of the experimental grain dryer BRICE-BAKER SCN-18/48 manufactured by KMZ industries with recuperation of hot air in combination with an experimental heat generator on alternative fuels produced by ON-STATE LLC. Ways to use alternative types of fuel for grain drying were presented in the article. Technical-and-economic grounds, technological scheme and working projects of a grain drying BRICE-BAKER SCN-18/48 and heat generator ТPG-1/100 for combustion of fuel chips, pellets were developed. Injection of recuperative hot air “non-working” zones into the hot air distribution channels open on both sides solves two problems: minimal changes in the design of the grain dryer and condensate removal. In each section there are two rows of inlet and two rows of outlet air distribution channels. Two sections with through air distribution channels will provide recuperation of four sections of a drying zone without increase in speed of hot air and “removal” of easy impurity of grain mass. The efficient operation of the TPG-1/100 heat generator with an inertial filter provided the required volume of hot air without sparks and grain without the smell of smoke. No signs of moisture condensation were detected in the “non-working” zone. The recuperation system with the nominal capacity of the fans ensures the mixing of the hot air, so that the temperature difference does not exceed 6.5ºC.

Last modified: 2020-06-13 19:01:25