Business To Employee E-Business Model
Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.10, No. 3)Publication Date: 2020-06-30
Authors : Sami Hussain;
Page : 11195-11206
Keywords : B2E E-Business Model; Intranets; Employee Services; Organizational Management;
Organizations are also focused on e-business business-to-employee (B2E) processes by leveraging the potential of e-business dimensions (B2B) and business-to -consumer (B2C). The literature of companies and IT providers have released a wide range of story's illustrating the possible advantages of the B2E e-business platforms toorganizations. Nevertheless, very fewis published regarding the implementation of these structures in the scholarly academic literature. More precisely, it is not obvious how companies' profit, what impediments they face and how they overcome such impediments linked to the implementation of B2E programs. To address this gap in the research, the paper represents technological developments are the basis upon which electronic business was created. On the Intranet, a B2E e-business model is established with the philosophy, links, interfaces and simplified internet hypertext communications protocol. This paperdiscusses a workplace benefit and management approach to the B2E e-business model.This offers information to back B2E as a resource for hiring and profit management. Portals and intranetare technology that also supports B2E's e-business model development. The case study provides the description of the use of the B2E model for a broader business. Case studies indicate that the B2E e-business program enhances organizational success and is of value to employees
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Last modified: 2020-10-06 14:52:36