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Quality Improvement of Shaped Metal Deposited components Using Non-Traditional Techniques: A Review

Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.10, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 2411-2430

Keywords : Shaped Metal Deposition; Ultrasonic Vibration; Pulse Current Shaped Metal Deposition; Double-Wire Feed & Cold Feed Wire;

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Shaped Metal Deposition (SMD) is an innovative manufacturing procedure, its an additive layers manufacturing technique offers a fast, multipurpose, and cost-effective substitute for the traditional manufacturing techniques, and is ideal for the production of short-runs of parts, mass customization, or a one-off repair solution and used for manufacturing large, expensive metal components with complex geometry in addition to fabricating free structures by construction materials in a layer by layer technique. This paper aims to comprehensively review the most prominent facts that researchers have dealt with in the SMD techniquesespecially those associated with the grain refinement features used in the SMD process. This study intends to review the literature presented on metal deposition processes and its advantages, including SMD process usingWire + Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) which divides intowire + tungsten inert gas (TIG), metal inert gas (MIG), DW-SMD process. This literary research focuses on the refinement of grains and mechanical properties by the usage of ultrasonic vibration and the pulse current inMIG and Tandem-MIG in the SMD process. Furthermore, maybe done using Single Wire-MIG (SW-MIG) welding and SMD using Double Wire-MIG (DWMIG) welding. The present review shows that the method ofusing ultrasonic vibration and pulsing current can beconsidered a distinctive and low-cost method to produce enhanced components with high mechanical properties.

Last modified: 2021-01-11 14:36:22