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The Use of Virtual Mechatronics in Teaching Court Decision Annotation during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.10, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 2239-2250

Keywords : Covid-19; Virtual Mechatronics; Teaching; Annotation; Court Decisions;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This research is motivated by the phenomena that the more widespread of the Corona Diseases Virus 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic has prompted the government and stakeholders to handle this case systematically and massively. Until now, many governments in various countries have taken repressive measures such as tight territory restrictions (lockdown), social restrictions (social distancing), and called on people to work from home, learn from home, and worship from home. This also occurs in the process of legal studies learning in universities, where the lecturers and students take policies and solutions by conducting online learning. The court decision analysis learning in law faculties is usually carried out in the classroom through face-to-face, presentations, discussions, and simulations, but after applying a large-scale social restriction policy due to Covid-19, they changes learning methods through various online-based applications, such as Eknows, Google Classroom, Zoom Meeting, Whatsapp, and so forth. In practice, they also use virtual mechatronics and annotation methods to improve the students understanding in the subject of court decisions analysis learning. The finding of this research indicates that the combination of the use of virtual mechatronics media is evidently increased the understanding and learning outcome of the students in the subject of court decision annotations.

Last modified: 2021-01-11 14:50:17