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Growth and Yield of High Protein Corn (Zea Mays L.) as Influenced by Plant Spacing and NPK Levels

Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.10, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 2025-2032

Keywords : Crop Production; Plant Spacing; Nutrient Management; NPK Levels; High Protein Corn; Climate Change; Yield;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


In crop production, major production variables that a producer can manipulate to influence the production of a given crop are agronomic practices, fertilizer levels and plant spacing require special attention in the changing climatic condition. The following treatments were used: plant spacing (P1 70cm x 20cm; P2 60cm x 25cm; P3 60cm x 20cm) were used as the main treatments and the NPK levels (F1 100-40-20 kg ha-1; F2 130-40-20 kg ha-1; F3 160-40-20 kg ha-1; F4 100-40-60 kg ha-1; F5 130-40-60 kg ha-1; F6 160-40-60 kg ha-1) were utilized as sub-treatments. This study was conducted at Integrated Sustainable Agri-Techno Demo Farm at Pangasinan State University. Standard conventional procedure in corn production was followed throughout the duration of the study. It can be concluded that there was significant interaction (plant spacing and NPK levels) in plant height, ear height, ear length and ear diameter, ear harvest per plot, kernel row per ear, number of kernels per ear, weight of 1000 kernels on growth and yield of high protein corn. Based on the results of the study, plant spacing of 60cm x 25cm and 60cm x 20cm and NPK levels at the rate of 130-40-60 kg NP2O5K2O ha-1 and 160 – 40 – 60 kg NP2O5K2O ha-1increased the growth and yield parameters of high protein corn. Application of fertilizer combinations during the crop production was effective which contributed to the increased yield.

Last modified: 2021-01-11 15:12:17