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The impact of labor migration on the national labor market

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. Series "Social and Behavioral Sciences; Management and Administration" (psychological, economy, public administration). Category «B» (Vol.16, No. 45)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 141-161

Keywords : labor force; migration; labor migration; migrant workers; national labor market;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article examines important aspects of the essence of labor migration and its socio-economic content, as well as its main types and factors. The authors analyze the dynamics of the main indicators of labor migration in Ukraine, acute issues of labor migration that need to be addressed. The main motives of Ukrainian labor migrants and their country of employment are studied. In particular, it was determined that the main reason for the labor migration of Ukrainians abroad is the difficulty in finding a decently paid job at home. Over the past five years, the economic factors of migration have intensified by politically and security-wise factors, it has led to a rapid increase in migration sentiment and the intensity of migration. The Ukrainian labor market is characterized by occupational imbalances in the workforce and heterogeneity. And the outflow of labor in recent years is also due to internal migration in the country and labor migration of Ukrainians. It can be stated that Ukraine has become one of the main labor donors for the countries of Western Europe. Given the signing of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, today the labor migration of Ukrainians is gaining momentum due to open access to the EU goods market, as well as to labor markets. Today, Ukrainians have become one of the key labor migrants from the east, especially in countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The today realities have shown that labor migration from Ukraine in order to work in the EU for a certain period of time in order to earn money will continue in the future. It is substantiated that the consequences of migration processes are ambiguous on the national labor market. Their influence on the socio-economic and political development of Ukraine is increasing. The authors demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages for Ukraine as a whole. Overall, the effects of migration on Ukraine have so far been positive, but if the significant net outflow of migrants continues at the same pace, Ukraine will still suffer catastrophic losses. Therefore, the main task of the migration management system is to determine the maximum possible and most consistent at the interstate level of the internal competence of the state in the organization of the migration process

Last modified: 2021-05-20 19:11:12