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The Effect of ERP Systems Implementation on Organizational Performance at Small and Medium Companies in Amman - Jordan

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.10, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 851-863

Keywords : SME; Jordan; ERP;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems implementation is widely accepted supporting information and technology-based tool globally. It is found quite potentially equipped software system which has many combined sub-systems to coherent the entities’ strategic as well as operational meant efforts all effective and result oriented. Hence the small and medium companies, with lot more to bring up their capacities in a level to utilize ERP even worth effective, also seem finding it effective in enhancing their organizational performances. In this research study it was focused on to find out the ERP system implementation on small-medium companies in Amman –Jordan, to find out the hurdles and problems facing by small-medium organizations in Amman –Jordan by implementing the ERP system and to find out the relationship and effectiveness between of ERP system implementation on small-medium companies in Amman –Jordan with organizations performance. In a quantitative research the descriptive research method of the study along with the deductive reasoning design was adopted. The population of the study was the management and the employees working in SMEs in Amaan-Jordan. Random sampling was adopted to reach the target respondents for the data collection. The collected data was analyzed in SPSS for the correlation and regression that showed that the ERP system implementation was effective in organizational performance in SMEs in Amaan-Jordan, as its implementation could coherent the operations, reduce time taking operations and brought the strengthened coordination between the companies and the customers. However, ERP effectiveness can be further enhanced if all management and implementation staffs are provided with the most frequent capacity building opportunities on ERP systems implementation, while making it as the part of their long term business strategies and more researches are required to make it easy and accessible to all the entities worldwide.

Last modified: 2021-06-26 18:30:12