To Establish the Influence of Schedule Crashing Technique on Project Success at Airtel Rwanda
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.9, No. 11)Publication Date: 2020-11-05
Authors : Musoni K.C; Mulyungi M.P;
Page : 1103-1108
Keywords : Project management; Critical path; Project schedule crashing; Project success and Airtel Rwanda;
In telecom sector, managing a project, the risk of getting the project delay is very high and project managers face pressure of competitors, hence the need of speeding the project duration is high to introduce a new product on market before others. During the project implementation phase, the application of project schedule crashing technique is a solution to overcome these challenges. This research focused on the relationship between project schedule crashing technique and project success. The main purpose of this research was to establish the influence of project schedule crashing technique on project success. In order to achieve this purpose, the study adopted the descriptive research design to achieve this objective and a case study conducted. Purposive sampling technique applied to choose the sample, questionnaire used to collect data, the questionnaire distributed to all managers and team members working in Airtel Company in Kigali province, Rwanda country. The collected data was coded and was analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social science). The research found that majority of respondents indicated that they had used project schedule crashing by adding resources to cash project time. The results revealed that R square value is 0.547 equivalent to 54.7 %. This implies that project Schedule crashing technique explain 54.7 % of the variations in project success other factors influencing project success explaining the remaining 45.3 %. This shows how important project Schedule crashing is to project success. The study concluded that Project managers and team members adopted project schedule crashing technique to effectively implement the project and to ensure project success, project schedule crashing technique to control the project time. Therefore this study revealed the extent to which project schedule crashing influence project success and this study recommended the further studies of the influence of project schedule crashing technique on
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Last modified: 2021-06-28 17:16:04