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A Preliminary Study on the Spatial and Temporal Pattern of the Human Emotional States

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.7, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 875-877

Keywords : Chronosusceptibility; Cognitive Aspect; Geomagnetic Field; MentalTurmoil;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


It is assumed that emotion is a form of behaviour according to Lorenz aggression has been hypothetically first and most important emotion, fromwhich, during evolution, theotheremotions have developed. The nature and number of separable arousal States constitute emotion as essential ingredients for social coexistence and survival of the human beings. Additionally, the emotion associated behaviour of man are identified not only by character of external factors, but also by an active attitudes of its own state manifested in behaviour We have collected information on emotional harmful consequences each month from different sources i. elocal reputed newspapers andT. V. Channels at Jamshedpur (220 48, N, 86E,) and analysed. Results indicates that some of the people were more chronosusceptible to the raised geomagnetic field intensity especially around the full moon and new moon days than rest period of the month. It is also evident that adult people were more proned to the suicidal attitude or other harmful events than other age groups. However, male people are found more emotionally disturbed at night than daytime. Such studies have shown that the depressed or mental turmoil phases are followed by emotional outbursts especially around the full moon and new moon days of each month of the year. This may be the cognitive aspects of the chronosusceptibility to intensified geomagnetic field and may provoke the emotional derives for an aberrant overt expressions of different nature.

Last modified: 2021-06-28 18:40:06