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A Tool to Measure the Behavioural Competency of Under Graduate Students

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.2, No. 11)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 283-284

Keywords : Behavioural Competency; Cronbachs Alpha; Under Graduate Students; t test; spilt half;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Behavioural competency refers to personal attributes or characteristics (i. e. motives, attitudes, values) that describe how a job or task is performed as opposed to the particulars of the job or task. For instance, competencies like flexibility, integrity, team work or self- confidence are personal characteristics, demonstrated through on-the-job behaviours, which can be applied in any number of job-related situations as compared to a specific technical skill or knowledge set. Graduate students are lying in the important stage to take decision about their career. They begin to find their way in life during graduation period. They discover their interests, aptitudes, goals and dreams. Therefore graduate students should equip themselves to enter into a good job after finishing graduate degree. They must develop their behavioural competencies for their career. This necessitated the researcher to develop a research tool to measure the behavioural competency of under graduate students. Initially the tool was constructed with 48 statements and administered to 200 under graduate students. In order to standardize the tool the researcher applied Cronbachs Alpha test and t test. After the item analysis 40 statements were considered for the final tool.

Last modified: 2021-06-30 20:23:15