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Research on 6 DOF - Steward Platform Mechanical Characteristics Analysis and Optimization Design

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.2, No. 11)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 391-395

Keywords : Stewart Platform; Ansys software; mathematical model; finite element analysis;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This paper deals with the analysis mechanical characteristics of 6 DOF of Stewart Platform Modeling. The configuration of the sensor is based on the well known Stewart Platform manipulator. The key difference between other Stewart Platform based sensors and the one discussed in this paper is the use of a Stewart Platform in a near singular configuration. It is known in kinematics literature that a Stewart Platform at a singular configuration cannot resist some component (s) of externally applied force or moment. At near-singular configurations, a small applied force or moment in certain specific direction (s) can give rise to large forces in the links, resulting in mechanical magnification in link forces. The mechanical amplification enables us to achieve enhanced sensitivity along certain specific directions In order to find the optimal structure and guidance structure optimization design, in this paper used ANSYS software design and calculate two different forms of the platform model This paper presents the theory to obtain the Best result and design of a 6-6 Stewart Platform manipulator, results from finite element analysis of a hinge jointed Stewart Platform based sensor sensitive to externally applied force.

Last modified: 2021-06-30 20:23:15