Comparative Effectiveness of Mulligan's Traction Straight Leg Raise and Bent Leg Raise in Low Back Ache with Radiculopathy - A Randomized Clinical Trial
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.3, No. 10)Publication Date: 2014-10-05
Authors : Amrutkuvar H. Pawar; Santosh Metgud;
Page : 6-10
Keywords : Low back ache; Radiculopathy; Mulligans Traction Straight Leg Raise; Mulligans Bent Leg Raise; Straight Leg Raise;
Background and Objectives: Lumbar spondylosis and prolapsed inter vertebral disc can cause low back pain with or without radiculopathy. Mulligan has described the traction straight leg raise (TSLR) and bent leg raise (BLR) techniques, which are said to improve range of motion of hip flexion in patients with low back pain. The objectives of the present study were to compare the effectiveness of Mulligans Traction Straight Leg Raise and Bent Leg Raise in low back ache with radiculopathy. Materials and Methods: 40 participants with clinical diagnosis and radiological evidence of Lumbar spondylosis with radiation or low back pain (LBP) with radiculopathy, with limitation of Straight Leg Raise angle between300 to 700 were recruited. Participants were randomly assigned into two groups of 20 each. Physical therapy treatment protocol which included Mulligans TSLR and BLR techniques with common treatment of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) were given for 6 days. Conclusion and Interpretation: The randomized clinical trial provided evidence to support the use of Mulligans TSLR and BLR techniques in relieving pain, improving hip flexion (SLR) range of motion and improving functional well being. In addition Mulligans Bent Leg Raise can be of great value in improving physical function in LBP with radiculopathy.
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