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Blunt Abdominal Trauma in RTA Patient - A State of Industrial Anarchy

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.3, No. 10)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 806-812

Keywords : Surgery; blunt abdominal trauma; diagnostic procedures; RTA; non-operative management; laparotomy;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Blunt Abdominal Trauma in RTA Patient- A State of Industrial Anarchy N. S. SUDE1, P. R. SURYAWANSHI2 Assistant professor1, Department of General surgery, MGM Medical College, N-6 CIDCO Aurangabad-431006 Mobile no. -9423078766, drnandkishorsude@gmail. com Professor& HOD2 Department of General surgery, MGM Medical College, N-6, CIDCO, Aurangabad-431006 Mobile no. -9764999449, drspravin22@gmail. com s Introduction: Civilian trauma is one of the major causes of death all over the world and is on the rise. One of the commonest things that introduces article on trauma alludes to industrialization and a constant increase in vehicular accidents. Blunt abdominal trauma forms a very important segment of the whole gamut of injuries. Surgery still remains the best treatment options for most patients with blunt abdominal trauma. However, technological advances in diagnostic procedures have led todays trauma surgeons to implement conservative management in significant numbers. The most commonly injured organs are the spleen, liver, retro peritoneum, small bowel, kidneys, bladder, colorectal, diaphragm, and pancreas. Material and Methods: This is prospective study carried out at MGM Medical College and Hospital at Department of General Surgery Aurangabad during Feb-2011 to July-2012. This is tertiary care and teaching hospital serving the population of Marathwada region in state of Maharashtra. Inclusion criteria: All cases of blunt abdominal trauma with or without associated injuries irrespective of nature of accident were included in this study. Exclusion criteria: All cases of trauma that had no evidence of blunt abdominal trauma were excluded from this study. They are studied for age, sex, mode of injury, associated injury, clinical evaluation, radiological evaluation, mode of treatment, importance of conservative management, nature of surgical treatment and outcome. Results: Total Fifty five patients were admitted with blunt abdominal trauma and associated injuries, with the majority (34.5 %) belonging to the 21-30 years age group (Table no.1). Based on the aforementioned criteria for surgical triage, 35 patients (63.6 %) were initially chosen for non-operative management with 3 (8.5 %) failures (converted to laparotomy).56 % patients were ultimately subjected to laparotomy. Overall, the Spleen was the most frequently injured solid organ (27.2 %) in BAT followed by Liver (20 %), kidney (9 %) and pancreas (7.2 %) (Table no.7). CONCLUSION: Road traffic accident and automobile accident have been responsible for most of the cases of blunt abdominal trauma. Men in age group of 20-40 years are found to be mainly affected as they form the majority of the working population who are exposed to accident during travel or at place of work. Management of BAT requires high degree of motivation, Team work by Surgeon, Intesivest& physician. Such a team work in this rural place will help to reduce the mortality in RTA patients as proved by this study. Key Messages: Management of BAT requires Team work. Coordinated Team approach in trauma patient with modification of factors responsible for RTA will help to reduce the patients mortality and morbidity in todays industrial world.

Last modified: 2021-06-30 21:10:56