A Novel Routing Protocol to Enhance Trust in P2P Networks
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.3, No. 10)Publication Date: 2014-10-05
Authors : Uppula Nagaiah; G. Kiran Kumar;
Page : 1637-1642
Keywords : Accessible and hidden nature of peer to peer system makes it an ideal forum for traducer to spread malignant content Managing trust is a problem in peer to peer environment; so a novel trust model is built supported on trust metrics The trust metrics such;
Accessible and hidden nature of peer to peer system makes it an ideal forum for traducer to spread malignant content. Managing trust is a problem in peer to peer environment, so a novel trust model is built supported on trust metrics. The trust metrics such as service trust, reputation and recommendation trust are defined to precisely measure trustworthiness of peers. A peers trustworthiness is evaluated by considering provided services and given recommendations with service and recommendation contexts. An interaction is evaluated based on importance, recentness and three parameters: satisfaction, weight, fading effect, when evaluating recommendation, recommenders trustworthiness and confidence level about the information provided are also considered. Experiments on file sharing application demonstrate that peers with the highest trust value are considered and build the trust model in their contiguity and insulate malignant peers.
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Last modified: 2021-06-30 21:10:56