Assessment of G6pd Status in Pre, Post Anti-Malaria Drug Treatment in Malaria Infected and Non-Malaria Infected Individuals on Blood Cell Line Parameters
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.3, No. 10)Publication Date: 2014-10-05
Authors : Ifeanyichukwu M.O; Esan; A.J;
Page : 1770-1773
Keywords : malaria parasite; G6PD status and blood cell;
This study was design to determine the effect of G6PD status in pre, post anti-malaria drug treatment in Plasmodium falciparum malaria infected and non-malaria infected individuals on blood cell line parameters. Malaria infected adult individuals presented with signs and symptoms of malaria infection were used for the study.202 blood samples were collected twice from each malaria infected individuals; grouped as pre-treatment and post anti-malaria drug treatment.102 blood samples from apparently healthy individuals were collected as control; both malaria infected subjects and controls were within the age 15-64 years of both sex.5ml of blood sample was collected and dispensed into di-potassium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (K2EDTA) vacuitaner bottles for, blood cell parameters which includes absolute platelet count, total white cell count, platelet distribution width, mean platelet volume, relative and absolute white cell differential count were analysed using haematology analyser (Sysmex automated haematology analyser model kx-21n, manufactured by Sysmex co-operation Kobe, Japan), thick blood film was made and stained with Giemsas staining technique for malaria parasite detection and malaria parasite count, the procedure was described by Monica Cheesbrough. Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) was performed using methaemoglobin reduction method within 6 hours of sample collection. The procedure was as described by Dacie and Lewis. Data obtained was analysed using SPSS version 16. Result of this study showed that, the MeanSD of MPC, WBC, absolute neutrophil and absolute lymphocyte in pre and post anti-malaria drug treatment was significantly higher in G6PD normal compared to G6PD deficient. Hence, malaria parasite count in G6PD normal was higher compared to G6PD deficient, also immune response to malaria infection was higher in G6PD normal compared to G6PD deficient. G6PD deficiency was associated with significant reduction in the risk of severe malaria. This present study supports the fact that G6PD deficient had genetic resistance to malaria attack compared to G6PD normal.
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