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Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in a Tertiary Care Hospital in 1 Year

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.10, No. 7)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 763-765

Keywords : MDR TB; Multidrug resistant tuberculosis; PMDT; Programmatic management of drug-resistant; TB; WHO; World Health Organization; XDR-TB; Extensive drug resistant tuberculosis;

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The emergence of resistance to the drug used to treat tuberculosis and particularly multidrug resistance TB (MDR-TB), has become a significant public health problem in a number of countries and obstracle to effective TB control. The present study tried to comprehend the prevalence of MDR TB in suspected MDR, pre XDR and XDR-TB cases and number of patients on Bedaquiline regimen in tertiary care centre, in department of pulmonary medicine, SDS TRC and RGICD, Bangalore. A retrospective observational study was done from April 2019 to march 2020 at department of pulmonary medicine. All sputum samples were examined for AFB direct microsopy, CBNAAT and subjected for MGIT culture and sensitivity for M.Tuberculosis. Patient were classified into 4 categories based on DST results as drug sensitive TB, MDR TB, pre XDR and XDR-TB.A total 350 patients of MDR suspects selected for study. Prevalence of MDR TB is high in retreatment cases around 60.02% than in new cases around 9.6%. Prevalence of MDR TB is 69.91%,XDR TB is 13.42%,Pre XDR is 10.67 %,Mono H resistance is 8.8% and 20.85% of patients were initiated on Bedaquiline regimen and 55.14% were on shorter regimen. The need for complete drug suspectibility testing is required and not relying solely on molecular techniques that will identify MDR only. Individualized drug regimens for these patients based on DST will help in curtailing transmission of resistant strains within the community.

Last modified: 2021-08-15 12:57:31