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Necessary skills while teaching business english at non-specialized faculties in Azerbaijan (results of experiment)

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.17, No. 46)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 43-62

Keywords : business English; general English; teaching; experiment; non-specialized faculties.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article deals with the problem of Teaching Business English at non-specialized faculties of Azerbaijan. Business English is one of the branches of ESP, and it is the mostly used area in the world nowadays. Some authors, such as, T. Hutchinson and А. Waters, D. Carver, P. Robinson, T. Dudley-Evans, J. Harmer, R. Mackay & A. Mountford and some other investigated ESP and its classification. In the 2nd part of the 19th century, Business English began to develop as an independent area of ESP and for learning it, learners should have General English knowledge. So, Azerbaijan State Economic University was chosen as a target place for the experiment. A two-part experiment, each of which continued for 5 weeks, was held at ASEU in 2 experimental and 2 control groups. The results of the experiment are described in the tables given below. The main focus here was on the checking skills, which are considered necessary in teaching Business English experiment at non-specialized faculties in Azerbaijan. In teachinh Business English teachers must be able to be full of information and to make decisions on the language and language learning. One of the main points is that teachers must also be aware of professional and business world. Besides, they must also be able to adapt to a special teaching envronmet and must also be eager to learn continuously. To be successful in their job, Business English teachers should pay attention mainly to the following three competences: 1. Linquistic competence. It reveals in the main elements i.e., in the use of vocabulary, gramamr, phonology and so on. 2. Discourse compotence. Language competence is connected with language elements and approaches the language from out of the context. However, discourse competenceç on the othe hand, is connected with the language which is being used, and it describes how people intercommunicate within a context. As a characteristic example of it, we can show negotiations, presentations, correspondence, meetings, etc. Discourse can be written and oral. 3. Intercultural competence. Culture has different kinds: national culture, organiztional culture, professioanl culture

Last modified: 2021-10-21 19:48:48