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Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») >>

Vol.17, No.46

Publisher: State Institution Higher Educational «University of Educational Management»

Publishing Date: 2021-09-15

  1. Model of professional training of future law guardians of the armed forces of Ukraine

    Authors: Valentin Bliznyuk

  2. A technology of higher military education young teacher career planning and support in the system of continuing education

    Authors: Yuzef Dobrovolskyi; Viktor Dobrovolskyi; Oksana Dubinina

  3. Necessary skills while teaching business english at non-specialized faculties in Azerbaijan (results of experiment)

    Authors: Aytan Fizuli Kazimova.

  4. Modern aspects of organization of non-formal education of future teachers

    Authors: Valentyna Lytvyn

  5. Author’s conceptual model of the formation оf professional qualities of a future sociologist іn the process of context study

    Authors: Iryna Marchuk

  6. Structural and functional model of the organization of professional training of pedagogical workers in postgraduate pedagogical education institutions in pandemic conditions

    Authors: Viktor Oliynyk; Petro Hrabovskyi

  7. Methods of development of andragogical competence of teachers

    Authors: Volodymyr Piddiachyi

  8. Professional orientation: modern view and prospects of change

    Authors: Larysa Sergeieva

  9. Pedagogical conditions for development of lyceum teachers’ professional culture in the methodical work system

    Authors: Tamara Sorochan; Olena Bilonozhko

  10. Development of legal culture of educators of state employment service vocational education centers as a pedagogical problem

    Authors: Olena Shulgina

  11. Quality of modern natural education and teacher training to improve its indicators

    Authors: Galina Yuzbasheva