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Author’s conceptual model of the formation оf professional qualities of a future sociologist іn the process of context study

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.17, No. 46)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 76-94

Keywords : professional education; professional qualities; formation of professional qualities of a future sociologist; context studies; author’s conceptual model.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


In the article the problem of the formation of professional qualities of a future sociologist in the process of context studies is investigated. The experience of professional education of a future sociologist in Ukrainian and foreign higher education systems is compiled and systematized. The concept and system of professional qualities of a future sociologist are specified. Professional qualities of a future sociologist are defined as a system of dialectically interconnected characteristics (that are the requirements of a society for the specialists of the profession) of an individual as a subject of a professional activity formed due to the biopsychological characteristics of the individual. Professional qualities of a sociologist influence the effectiveness of a professional activity and are stable (not situation-specific), substantive, complete (can not be decomposed into components) and observable (their level of formation can be diagnosed). In accordance with the main spheres of professional self-realization of a future sociologist, a system of professional qualities is proposed and justified, the components of which are: intellectual (research and prognostic) qualities; communicative (perceptive, interactive, informative) qualities; professional (professional orientation, efficiency, professional resilience) qualities; creative and moral-ethical qualities. The author's conceptual model and organizational and pedagogical conditions of the formation professional qualities of a future sociologist in the process of context study have been proved and experimentally tested

Last modified: 2021-10-21 19:53:24