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Thermodynamic constraints and information conditions of intelligent cognitive control stability, controllability, and robustness

Journal: Software & Systems (Vol.34, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 524-542

Keywords : quantum self-organization algorithm; imperfect knowledge base; information process thermodynamics; cognitive control system;

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The paper considers information and physical (entropy and energy) patterns, as well as the features of the model of a quantum strong artificial computational intelligence as a self-organizing intelligent control system. The model is based on the principles of minimal information entropy (in the “intelligent” space state of control signals) and the minimal generalized thermodynamic measure of the entropy production in the unified system “control object + intelligent cognitive controller”. The main result of applying the self-organization process is the guaranteed possibility of achieving the necessary reliability and flexibility level of the reproducible structure of the cognitive intelligent control system. The paper briefly describes the main physical principles of management processes allowing establishing the relationship between the qualitative characteristics of the dynamic behavior of the control object and the executive device of the automatic control system: control stability, controlla-bility, and robustness. To achieve this purpose, it uses the information and thermodynamic approaches that combine dynamic stability (Lyapunov function), controllability and robustness criteria by a homogeneous condition. The authors give the relations between the amount of pure work, information and the extracted free energy, which confirm the possibility of increasing the intellectual control system robustness due to the production of entropy of a cognitive controller that reduces the loss of the useful re-source of the control object. In turn, the negative entropy of cognitive control reduces the require-ments for the minimum initial information to achieve robustness. Based on the retrieved information from the cognitive controller knowledge base, it is possible to obtain an additional resource for useful work, which is equivalent to a targeted action on the management object, ensuring the management goal achievement.

Last modified: 2022-02-24 21:32:27