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Finnish support for education in Ukraine during the conditions of war

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.21, No. 50)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 124-143

Keywords : education; support; martial law; Republic of Finland; EU;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article attempts to investigate the events in which Ukraine found itself as a result of the invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, in particular, the situation of the education sector in the conditions of martial law and the provision of support to the education of Ukraine in the conditions of war. Statistical data on the movement of refugees abroad in the context of providing temporary shelter to Ukrainian refugees by EU countries was analyzed. It was found that more than 40 countries have provided international protection to citizens of Ukraine since the introduction of martial law. Attention is paid to the continuum of current problems in the educational sphere, the assessment of the current state and the nearest prospects for the development of Ukrainian education. The relevance of the researched problem in the context of the support of the educational industry by international partners in the conditions of war is highlighted. The concordance of the views of international partners with the conceptual ideas of the modern educational space of Ukraine is determined. It was found out that the European Commission has developed «Commission Recommendations (EU) 2022/554» on simplifying the procedure for nostrification of diplomas and qualifications of persons fleeing the invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, in order to provide the opportunity to work in accordance with the level of qualifications. Information about Ukrainian qualifications was provided by the Erasmus+ Q-entry project, The European Training Foundation. It has been proven that the Republic of Finland has provided significant support to Ukraine in all spheres, including in the field of education, namely: the implementation of the project "Finnish support for Ukrainian school reforms" has been extended until 2023; a Ukrainian-language news service of Finland's public broadcaster Yleisradio was introduced to inform refugees from Ukraine in their native language; assistance was provided to Ukrainian colleagues – teaching and scientific-pedagogical workers by Finnish universities; current opportunities for students, scientists and researchers are offered (studying according to the mobility program for Ukrainian students, joining educational courses or modules; free study on individual courses; urgent grants for Ukrainian researchers in Finland; continuation of his academic activity; free Finnish language courses; employment and residence for citizens of Ukraine). The organization of the educational process in Ukraine during martial law is considered. It was found out that the website was created in Ukraine with the aim of informing the international community about the education system in Ukraine, the features of different levels of education, educational programs for students of grades 1–11. In addition, electronic versions of almost 1,300 textbooks and manuals have been created for use in the educational process by the international community.

Last modified: 2022-10-11 15:43:04