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Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») >>

Vol.21, No.50

Publisher: State Institution Higher Educational «University of Educational Management»

Publishing Date: 2022-09-21

  1. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the project competence formation of teacher training colleges students

    Authors: Olena Volyk

  2. Criteria and indicators for selecting digital tools of video conferencing for e-learning implementation in the institution of postgraduate pedagogical education

    Authors: Petro Hrabovskyi; Yuliia Zaporozhtseva

  3. Upbringing of leadership competence in the context of national and patriotic education of college students

    Authors: Anna Zhukova

  4. Essence and content of the category «healthy lifestyle»

    Authors: Elnara Ismailova

  5. Didactic bases for the use of learning technologies in biology lessons in VIII–IX grades

    Authors: Sabina Ismailova

  6. Structural-semantic analysis the concept of "professional competence of postal communication operators"

    Authors: Olga Kaitanovska

  7. Scientific substantiation of the management model of creative potential development of teachers in the context of non-formal education

    Authors: Tatiana Koroid

  8. Finnish support for education in Ukraine during the conditions of war

    Authors: Julia Kosenchuk

  9. Readiness of teachers to use augmented reality in the educational process

    Authors: Liliia Luparenko; Svitlana Lytvynova; Olga Pinchuk; Oleksandra Sokoliuk

  10. Modern aspects of the organization of professional training of future electric installers for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment in training and practical centers

    Authors: Kateryna Martynenko

  11. Trends of development and improvement of open education in Europe at the end of the ХХ – the beginning of the ХХІ century

    Authors: Valentina Osadchuk

  12. Open education: emerging trends and novel concepts

    Authors: Larysa Petrenko; Olena Zelikovska; Natalia Bilousova

  13. Conditions of education of children in penitentiary isolation

    Authors: Kazimes Peszhala

  14. Requirements for the teaching profession and his personality in the context of europeanization

    Authors: Ľuboslava Sejčová; Olena Voliarska

  15. Problems of the development of professional education of professional colleges of arts

    Authors: Ihor Tetianin

  16. State-civil management of general secondary education institutions on the basis of partnership interaction (social and legal aspect)

    Authors: Boris Chyzhevskyi