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Didactic aspects of using the interactive whiteboard Рadlet in the process of teaching history in general secondary education

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.24, No. 53)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 123-137

Keywords : Padlet interactive whiteboard; history; educational process; general secondary education institutions; distance learning;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article explores the didactic possibilities of the Padlet interactive whiteboard as a means of teaching history in general secondary education. The relevance of solving the problem of improving the quality of the educational process by means of modern technologies using interactive online whiteboards is substantiated. Based on the analysis of regulatory and legal documents on the topic of the study, it is proved that the current requirement is the ability of teachers to use the latest technologies and modern teaching tools in their professional activities. It is shown that such tools include virtual online whiteboards Padlet. This service is characterized by its ease of use and wide didactic possibilities in the process of teaching history in general secondary education. You can post photos, audio, and video files on the board, which makes the lesson visual and interactive. All work results are stored in one place. The teacher can engage students in group work. It is shown that Padlet is an effective tool for performing interactive exercises to establish correspondence between illustrations and periods of Ukrainian history. It should be used to create puzzles or generate QR codes when students perform advanced tasks. The digital whiteboard is used to conduct didactic games, create crossword puzzles at different stages of Ukrainian and World History lessons. It can also be used to teach new material when students work with mental maps. Such activities help students to better learn new material, teach them to think critically, and analyze historical sources. It is advisable to use a digital whiteboard during practical classes in which students explore various written and visual sources and create links to additional materials. In addition, a digital whiteboard is an effective tool for students' project activities. Using specific examples of lesson fragments, the article reveals the main didactic possibilities of using the Padlet virtual whiteboard in the process of teaching history in general secondary education.

Last modified: 2023-05-11 15:32:29