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Types of globalism in historical development

Journal: Studia Humanitatis (Vol.2023, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 8-8

Keywords : types of globalism; military takeovers; Christian globalism; fascist globalism; communist globalism; liberal-market globalism; multipolar world;

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The purpose of this article is to examine historical and contemporary forms of globalism. The following historical forms of globalism are analysed: the first global military takeovers, Christianity, communist globalism, fascism, liberal-market globalism. The author concludes that the liberal-market unipolar world is the last historical form of globalization. There is a clear trend towards a multipolar world community, in which no country, no matter how powerful it is, can impose its will on other states.

Last modified: 2023-07-30 08:12:15