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Psychological program of promoting constructive experience of loneliness in adulthoods

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers «Social and Behavioral Sciences Series»; «Management and Administration Series» (psychological 053, economy 051, public administration 281). (Category «B») (Vol.25, No. 54)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 70-83

Keywords : loneliness; experience of loneliness; cognitive component; affective component; conative component; effective copings; psychological well-being; adulthood; stress; coping strategies;

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The article analyzes the essence of the concept of "loneliness", highlights modern theoretical approaches to the analysis of this social-psychological phenomenon. It has been established that loneliness should be considered as a difficult psychological state, accompanied by emotional experiences of a person who has fallen into unusual conditions of isolation, and may also manifest itself in the need to be included in a certain social group. Loneliness is a dual, dialectical state that is both traumatic and resourceful. The basic principles and approaches to the study of the phenomenon of loneliness in adults and its constructive experience are presented on the basis of the theoretical model of loneliness, in the framework of which the cognitive, affective and behavioral (conative) components of loneliness are distinguished, as well as two poles of the perception of loneliness by a person – deficit and surplus. When developing a program to promote the constructive experience of loneliness in adulthood, it is taken into account that, according to the author's model, the attribution of the experience of loneliness to a certain type occurs according to the following criteria: 1) awareness, understanding, interpretation of the situation of loneliness (perception of oneself as a person who has/does not have sufficiently close relationships , ability / inability) to find a resource in being alone with oneself, satisfaction or dissatisfaction with self-realization): 2) emotional attitude to experiencing loneliness (frustration, experiencing one's own isolation, or, on the contrary, the presence of close, trusting, warm relationships with others, in the first in turn, with one's own family or romantic partner): 3) use of constructive coping strategies for experiencing loneliness (a balance between avoiding situations of loneliness, the inability to be alone with oneself and a tolerant attitude to solitude, autonomy, the ability to resist the pressure of public opinion and the development of one's own standards of behavior) etc. Accordingly, the psychological program of promoting the constructive experience of loneliness in adulthood involves working with behavior, emotions and thoughts using psychological tools that actualize the main psychological mechanisms of a person's personal development. Prospects for further improvement and implementation of psychological support programs for Ukrainians who lost important social ties during the large-scale war and were forced to change their place of residence and social environment are outlined.

Last modified: 2023-10-04 16:52:16