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Peculiarities of educators’ engagement in work depending on the ideal image of a teacher

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers «Social and Behavioral Sciences Series»; «Management and Administration Series» (psychological 053, economy 051, public administration 281). (Category «B») (Vol.26, No. 55)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 129-144

Keywords : self-concept; teachers of general secondary education institutions; professionalism; engagement in work; ideal image of a teacher;

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The article presents the results of an empirical study of the characteristics of educators' involvement in work depending on the ideal image of a teacher. The results of the study of the ideas of teachers of general secondary education institutions about the ideal image of a teacher and their factor analysis are presented, which testify to the ambivalent structure of such ideas and, as a result, the problem of professional self-realization of a significant number of educators, which requires appropriate psychological work. In addition, the results of the cluster analysis are highlighted, which revealed 4 clusters of the studied educators according to the prevailing type of idea about the ideal image of a teacher. It was established that the obtained results should be taken into account in the psychological training of educators as constituting a certain personal resource for their professional development. Also presented are the results of the study of the characteristics of work engagement among the teachers under study, and its indicators – energy, passion for work, and dedication, which indicate an insufficient level of their manifestation in a fairly significant number of the teachers under study. According to the results of the dispersion analysis, the features of involvement in the work of teachers of general secondary education institutions of different ages, depending on their ideas about the ideal image of a teacher, were revealed, which allow to compare the features of the ideal image of teachers in different groups of subjects. It is shown that the highest indicators of involvement in work are found among teachers whose ideal image of a teacher is associated with self-improvement and professionalism, and the lowest – mainly among those teachers who associate the ideal image of a teacher with executive discipline and material well-being. It is proposed to contribute to the development of self-concept as a factor in the formation of teachers' professionalism, which can be implemented during specially organized psychological training in the conditions of postgraduate education

Last modified: 2024-01-11 18:41:30