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Pagadian Diocesan Schools Information Monitoring System through Data Visualization

Journal: International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research (IJETER) (Vol.12, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 74-78

Keywords : Education Data Management; Diocesan School Monitoring; Data Visualization Tools; Web-Based System;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The Pagadian Diocesan Schools Information Monitoring System through Data Visualization is a web-based application meticulously developed to address the challenges of managing educational data across multiple schools within the Pagadian Diocese. Utilizing HTML, MySQL, PHP, CSS, and Bootstrap, the system streamlines the login process for administrators, enhances data monitoring, and provides a centralized view for superintendents. Through advanced data visualization tools, the platform presents essential metrics such as student population, income, and expenses, contributing significantly to the Pagadian government's education initiatives while adhering to ethical data usage practices. Continuous user feedback ensures the refinement of the system, guaranteeing efficient and effective data management within the Pagadian Diocese. The study also encompasses the design, development, and testing phases of the system, following the Waterfall Model. Through rigorous testing, the system demonstrated commendable performance, stability, and security measures, with high user-friendliness and compatibility. The ISO/Logical Summary Report identified strengths in Functional Stability, Portability, Reliability, Security, Usability, and Maintainability, leading to a Total ISO/Logical Flow score of 90.94%. Overall, the system promises a smooth, effective, and dependable user experience, with room for improvement in UI design and error handling to enhance its performance further

Last modified: 2024-05-21 19:54:23